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Caleb LashJanuary 17, 20199min77090

By the Option

My Dads Coffee

Everybody seems to be into coffee these days. It annoys me, because it’s like it’s a trendy Hipster thing now.  I’ve been drinking coffee my whole life. My dad would give me coffee every morning, before dropping me off at the Kindergarten bus stop. I would have my thermos full of inspiration hanging with my friend Tony, who would be smoking a Tarrington 100, while the rest of the pack, was in the front pocket of Tony’s Sears Tough Skin jeans. The jeans were called tough skins, and they were held up with a belt. Your underpants didn’t show, if they did show you where rightfully laughed at.  The only quasi acceptable reasons your underpants could show where the following, you were a little slow or you were struck by a car while riding your bike and the Paramedics were working on you.  My Dad made great coffee. My Dad Liked his coffee liked he liked his women, Dark and Full bodied, like a Goth Rosie O’Donnell eating a feathered Raven. Coffee that was Strong and bold, the exact opposite of the Antifa Males. My Dads coffee was thicker than a professional Twerker.  My Dads coffee would put these trendy coffee shop dwellers in the hospital. The Soy Sippers would have their girlfriends stolen away by a Cup of My Dads coffee. What I’m saying here is, after one sip of my Dads coffee the chicks would  fall in love with its strength a rather date the actual cup of coffee than their current Soy boyfriends. I truly believe these Knuckleheads would lose their chicks to a cup of My Dads F-ing coffee. Full disclosure, I still love coffee and If I’m out, I may have my wife, the lovely Cher-Nobyl, I call her that because she is HOT and Deadly, run into the Starbucks and pick me up a cup of the old SJW Juice, hold the almond milk. I don’t go in, because I don’t want my friends to see in there. I feel much the same way about being seen in a Smart Car or a Mazda Miata.

Look, as time goes on and you guys get to know me, it may seem that I pick on C.S.D.C. The Coffee Shop Dweller Crowd an awful lot. well, maybe I do, but I do it with love and hope in my heart. I want to bring them into the tent of awareness and give them some wisdom. Truth be told, the group born between the Mid- Nineteen Nineties and the Mid Two Thousands have a lot to offer society. They are bright and very technologically savvy people; their problem is they have been psychologically weakened over time by the culture around them. The culture and society haven’t done them any favors. I’ve learned one important thing over my years that is universally true to everyone.  Bad things are coming for us. Whether it be sadness, hard times sickness, death, its coming to all of us sooner or later, in varying degrees or ways. If you live your life and embrace it, live for others and not just yourself, tragedy and sadness is coming sooner or later. Many of us know this already.  No matter if it’s just the living of life or you’re forced to defend yourself against some evil lurking around the corner, you have to be mentally tough. If not, you not are going to make it through. The head in the sand is not going to work my Homies, I’m sorry. If your offended by songs, movies, Toxic masculinity (whatever that is), cursing, etc. These maybe signs you have to toughen up a little. Here is a Tactical Rudeness lesson right here. Write this down- Nobody Cares That YOU Are OFFENDED. There no charge for that Life Coach Lesson. Hear this Dwellers! we need you under the Awareness Tent, with all our differences we can still work together to protect ourselves and communities against the Bad Guys that are out there. That’s what we also have in common, the bad guys out there, are ready to prey on all of us. That my Homies is where all the good decent people merge onto the same road. See commonality, the good win by looking out for each other.  Let’s look for things we can agree on, build a foundation on that and work out the other stuff as we move forward. Let’s look at the many contributions the Dweller Crowd has made to our society already and find more commonality, for instance, here are a few.  Lumberjack style beards on guys who have to pay someone to Blow leaves off their four by eight patch of condo front lawn(helping the economy), Skinny jeans being worn by men.( have to say, they would sure keep an in the waist band holster in place), Man buns. I got nothing,  Safe spaces, where else can full- grown adults, go and use crayons and coloring books when they get upset(  But, you add a steel door and heavy door frame ,now you have a safe room/safe space), See with a little compromise I’m bringing us together. How about Chai Tea and Coffee with whipped cream and sprinkles, Tofu pizza, soy ice cream, kale non-dairy milkshakes, Cinnamon swirl, hot pepper and pineapple beer, with kiwi and mandarin orange garnish. I know what you are saying, a lot of shit sucks, and you would be right, but, they are contributions to society and there were some positives to a few. For the love of F—K, I’m trying here. The important thing is we keep trying to find things that bring us good all together, we have are differences, but we all want to be safe and be capable of protecting ourselves and loved ones, so lets work together.

So that’s my plan, my journey in all this, bust the Dweller crowd’s balls, but know they mostly good hearted people, just like the crew I run with. We just have our shit together. See I can’t  help myself, if it makes you feel any better I bust my friends and loved ones balls also, but I do it because I love them, and I do it with love and admiration in my heart. And, They bust mine right back. Its fun and we laugh and it brings us together. That’s always my plan, trust me, it always works. I also have to except that things are just different now. I was in a coffee shop the other day doing some writing and watching Fox News on my laptop. I was approached by some salted caramel and lavender coffee drinking Dweller who looked at my computer, and said in a whiney judgmental voice, “Why do you watch that?  Did your parents drop you as a child?” Yes, I answered, they did drop me when I was a baby, over and over, Head first into a pool of Awesomeness and Badassery, and coffee. While you my Dweller friend, it appears you stumbled into a puddle of soy milk and Punkman tears, so move on.  Dweller boy had nothing to say, he just ran straight for the coloring books.










Caleb LashJanuary 16, 201911min21560

Every Day Carry Wise Chronicles

Do not get C-Locked

One of the most often questions asked of me is what’s the best firearm to carry? This is a difficult question to answer, as there are many variable to consider.  My stock generic answer and my humble opinion is, you should choose one from a major manufacture, with a positive track record.  It should suit your needs and it should be the right fit for you. You should also find it cool, I’m just saying. Another common question is how do I become, more situational aware? This is an important question and one that is also not always easy to answer. This can also vary person to person through lifestyle and surroundings.  For instance, a person on business in Afghanistan is in a much different situation than a person out in Downtown America. There is a principal that connects these two different people in two different environments and that is the following- The belief and understanding that there are evil people out there and these evil people will do you harm. Without this belief system in place it will be very difficult if not impossible to spot and avoid dangerous situations. This is because you have your head in the cultural sand. It is my belief that this principal is the most important piece of the defensive situational awareness concept. It is the foundation. The PC Culture has brainwashed the populace out there, that the practicing of good situational awareness is wrong, because people could be offended. So these, I listen to the social justice warrior crowd “Sheeple” Put in there ear buds, pull up their hoodie hoods and march into potential oblivion, while they check their twitter posts. But at least they aren’t hurting any body’s feelings. Thumbs up, good job, you f-ing Knuckle Heads.  This is what I call, (Cultural Loss of Consciousness) or (C-LOC).  This is what I believe to be the biggest threat to our families, our communities and ourselves.

When I teach Active Aggressor Training or Situational Awareness type training I recommend two books, Sheep No More: The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival by Jonathan Gilliam and The Survivors Club, by Ben Sherwood. These books are honest, powerful and educational reads and are must haves in your Every Day Carry Wisdom toolbox.

One story in Survivors club, which always stood out to me, was that of a woman who was alone in a sparsely occupied building late at night and was waiting for the elevator. When the elevator door opened, she saw a male inside and he immediately made her feel uncomfortable. She knew something wasn’t right and she was scared. She also felt that it would be rude to not get on the elevator, that the man inside might be offended. Against all her better instincts she got on that elevator, and was raped and nearly killed. For the grace of God she lived to tell, but a hard lesson was learned. Humans are part of the animal kingdom and we are supplied with some similar protective instincts. These instincts are very effective, but only if we don’t ignore them. When Peter Parker gets his Spidey Sense tingling, He doesn’t just sit there drinking his coffee with Mary Jane, thinking to himself,” Isn’t that interesting. No, “he jumps up, throws some cash and cab fare on the table, gets that suit on and gets ready to kick some Doc Oc  Ass. Sure Mary Jane gets pissed, but that’s life, she will get over it or she won’t. Don’t get on the elevator, Offend the F out of who you have to, to feel safe. Spiderman knows when you sense danger; some danger may be coming, and DO NOT IGNORE IT! Retrain the brain that it is ok to offend people. It is ok to be rude, especially if your safety is involved. I’m from New Jersey, I offend at least seven people a day, here in Tennessee, and sometimes I’m not even trying to. Rudeness saves lives. I realize that being from New Jersey I have an advantage, I myself can’t be offended and I do  not care,  if I offend others, if it is warranted. This is skill that is cultivated all through our formative years. It is a necessary Jersey survival tool that all responsible Jersey Parents should teach their kids. We are nice until its time not to be nice. I call it “Tactical Rudeness”. Trust me, it works like a charm. I may be on to something, note to self, and pitch “Tactical Rudeness Training Seminars to Brian.  I think It’s time to take this concept NATIONWIDE.  The point is leaving Mary Jane at the table may be rude and Mary Jane may be offended, but there are lives in danger, and proper etiquette has to be tossed to the side when it’s time to get down to business. If Spiderman can offend MJ, and be alright with it, than you can offend some creepy stranger on the street. This may Offensive to some people, but, I say, F the creepy stranger on the street, you and your families lives are more important than some strangers soft assed feelings.  Mary Jane always forgives Spiderman. Spiderman recognizes danger. Then Spiderman reacts to that danger. Be like Spiderman.

C-Loc, (Cultural Loss of Consciousness) is a take on the term generally used in aerospace physiology called G-Loc, (Gravitational Loss of Consciousness) where pilots lose consciousness due to exposure to sustained and excessive G Forces. C-LOC is caused by a sustained exposure to political correctness and the weakening of our entire culture.

We are on the beginning of a journey ladies and gentleman. The Option, Talkingguns and all of you reading this, all the visitors to this site, are on this new journey together. I want to be a guide to show you a path and perhaps a different way of viewing the culture and the world around you. I hope to get you to start looking at how your Every Day Carry Wisdom fits into your piece of everyday lifestyle. My Mission is to assist you on further developing your Personal Incident Preparedness Lifestyle for how you live.  I’ve been given a voice. Perhaps my voice is small but with that voice I want to do what I can to prevent the totally preventable, to awaken people to the danger of the SHEEPLE/ VICTIM mentality. Forget the crowd, the crowd doesn’t care about you and your family, sometimes you have to stand alone. Remember taking personal security advice from Sheeple one of the crowd culture, is like taking advice from a vegan on how to grill a streak.  Be rude when needed, hurt feelings, offend people, trust me, these concepts help save lives. It may be difficult, but nothing of importance is ever easy. But, I believe Tactical Rudeness is the key to breaking the C-LOC.  Spread the word. It’s your duty. Be careful and God Bless.


The Fuerst Option Safety Suggestion- One especially for the ladies, if you’re out on a first date, or blind date or you just meet someone while you are out.  Upon your introductions request to see the gentleman’s driver’s license and take a picture on your phone and send it to two trusted friends. Pre plan this and make it show and be obvious and tell the gentleman and what you’re doing. If he is a good guy, he will gladly do it, and probably think it’s a smart idea. If he has a problem with it, or refuses, he is not a good guy, so leave the date immediately, right after you take his picture of his face and send that. This should make the guy in question; think twice about doing anything creepy, his picture is out there. This just helps to further ensure you get home safely. It’s the practice of Tactical Rudeness. If you find a love connection, with a good guy, you’ll have a fun story to tell.  You can give this advice to daughters, sisters and friends.  Be Safe out there.





Kate KruegerJanuary 7, 20191min16950

Talking Guns Radio Getting Ready for SHOT Show 2019


It’s that time of year again as I prepare for SHOT Show 2019. Starting to get ready to setup podcasting guests, checking gear and making sure registration goes smoothly. I’ve added some photos to a gallery that I started sometime ago called Krueger’s View @ . Check out “Bright Shiny Objects”. I’m also looking forward to posting a few articles before SHOT Show for our new group Talking Guns Media that I’ll tell you more about going forward.

Architekt JessDecember 21, 20187min16420

So with a title like that, I’d be willing to bet you are ready to skip past thoroughly reading
this article and get all hot and bothered in the comments section. Slow your roll chief. Take a
breath, and try to have an open mind about what I am writing because I promise you this is not
written after a heated argument with a friend, and is actually planted deep in common sense.
I’ve been simmering on this concept for a long time, trying to see it from both sides, and believe-
you-me, I don’t take axing a longtime friendship lightly. With that said, here is why I will do just
that, in a heartbeat, over politics.

I’m going to start off by addressing the most common argument against “unfriending”
over politics. “It’s just politics, if you are willing to lose a friend over that, you are immature and
need to grow up.” Let’s break this little diddy down for a second. What entity has killed millions
upon millions of people since its inception? The answer is Government. Before we get the soy-
mainlining-betas in here talking trash on the American Government, it’s ALL governments. The
Socialist, Communist, and Fascist ones being the worst of all, but back to my point. Politics are
quite possibly the most important thing you could lose a friendship over if you are looking at the
big picture. We as Americans just downplay the importance of politics because we as a nation
have never been subjected first hand to the absolute horrors of a tyrannical government since
our creation. To us, it’s something as simple as a choice in automobile manufacturers, or an
abstract concept lulled over in a history class somewhere.

It is unfathomable for the modern American to think their government would ever turn on
them. I mean, how could they? Most Americans have not visited these countries that are at war,
or under the control of a ruthless dictator. It’s also all too easy to minimize images and stories
you see on TV or the internet with indifference. The common consensus I hear from most of my
fellow Americans is “That could never happen here.” Well let me tell you, that is exactly what
everyone ever thought, right before they were disarmed and killed by the millions by their
government. Genocide happens for the simple reason that no one sees it coming. The only
people who seem to take politics seriously are the people who have traveled the world, seen
what could be, and the aftermath of what was. The kind of people who have visited warzones
and talked to people whose daily lives would send these Antifa protestors into a piss-soaked
fetal position

So believe me when I say I will drop my most beloved of friends over politics. I cannot sit
idly by and condone their ignorance of facts and distortion of history. Doing nothing when you
hear ignorance being spread, is the same as spreading it yourself, and that’s what has
happened in our country. There are political agendas that I have no answer to and I do not
pretend to have all the answers. I do, however, feel strongly about our right to protect ourselves,
and I believe our government should never be able to restrict our armament as a people. I
believe trying to erase history because it doesn’t make you feel good is ignorant, and extremely
dangerous. And I know for a fact, that our educational system has become nothing but a liberal
indoctrination that is pushing socialist and communist beliefs down the throats of our youth,
when those ideals have destroyed countries, and killed million of innocent people. In 1956

Russia claimed they would take America without firing a shot. I know now what they meant,
infiltration from within the education system. You don’t have to fight a populus that you have
indoctrinated to accept your rule, start with the children, and those who remember the past will
fade in time.

If you think I’m crazy, just take a second and look what is going on. We have politicians
putting illegal immigrants over U.S. citizens, illegal sanctuary cities, liberal controlled social
media deleting any rhetoric that does not fall in line with their agenda. News outlets not only
reporting half-truths, but spreading outright lies to the masses. Literal propaganda. Transgender
is the new norm, and masculinity is toxic, and if you speak out an opinion that is against any of
this, you are a Nazi. All this, because we looked the other way for far too long, we let that one
idiot friend spread their hysteria unchecked on every social media outlet they could find because
we had better things to do than set them straight. This is as much our fault as it is theirs, and it’s
time people stop letting it slide. Thomas Jefferson once said, “All tyranny needs to gain a
foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” That is EXACTLY the culture we live
in, and now, we are reaping what we have sown. So feel no guilt when you confront ignorance,
it is literally your duty as an American. Losing a friend who is ignorant of history and facts is
losing no friend at all.