holster Archives - Talking Guns

One Shot DNovember 7, 20182min14440

Something I always run into at public ranges is the lack of weapons safety. I could be like a lot of other people and have the common opinion that these individuals are unsafe because they are “new to the rules of the range”. More times than not however,  I find out this is not the case. I was out shooting at a public range the other day. After witnessing several dangerous functions the shooters were doing, I found myself having a conversation with them to try to find out what their history with weapons were. After several minutes I found that 95 % of the people I spoke with, stated they have been handling weapons for years and quit a few had according to them “ been thru classes” to help them learn gun safety. After I politely made a few suggestions, I found the common response was that they felt they knew enough and didn’t need any guidance. Due to the nature of their unsafe acts and the fact there was no assigned staff to this facility, I moved to a different location. Safety should always be first and foremost in operating a firearm. This will make for a more enjoyable outing for you and those that might be around you.

Kate KruegerOctober 18, 20182min18290

By Jim Krueger

While working a class a number of years ago we had a bonded couple. The female was a first time shooter and her other half, the more “knowledgeable” shooter, put the love of his life in a Smith & Wesson 2inch J-Frame. The first day went ok (or so we thought) but the second day not so much.  As we worked the shooting line we noticed her gun hand had a bandage on it and after further investigation we was discovered that a rather large blister had developed on her hand.

After some discussion is was decided that she should give a Browning Hi-Power a try as it would be a more comfortable firearm for her to continue the class. One of the instructors let her borrow her Hi-power and proceeded to instruct her on the workings of that fine gun.

The rest of the class that day continued without incident.  The next day low and behold she showed up at the class with her very own brand new Browning Hi-Power. She completed the rest of the week with great success and a lot less pain. And in the end she was awarded High Lady shooter in the class and third overall. Although the 2 inch revolver is a great little concealed gun for many in this case it was NOT the right gun for a first time shooter to take a week long course.

One Shot DSeptember 22, 20181min32690

On my off time I teach kids how to competition shoot. Parents always ask what kind of firearm they should purchase to help their child be a better competition shooter. It’s not the firearm that makes a person a good or great competition shooter. It’s the person and the training. I am and always will be a huge advocate of talking parents into letting their kids try different models and brands so we can figure out what works best for them. Then once we figure out what they are comfortable with, we build on that. Everyone is different and handles firearms in different ways. The same is said for adults. There is not a “one type fits all”. There are several rental ranges out there that are in place for this purpose. In the long run you will be glad you tried a rental before you spend all that money on something you hate.

One Shot DSeptember 4, 20182min19490

I went shooting with a friend the other day. When we got into some training drills I was reminded that old drills still need to be used once in awhile. He set up a drill I have not used in almost 20 years. Once he set this course up and we were shooting it, I realized the value in using drills I used to consider obsolete. There is always room for improvement. A fatal move is thinking you know everything and can’t learn anything new. There is always a way to do something better. If your open minded enough to accept that, then you will gain something from every school you go to. I constantly look for new schools to go to. A few months ago I went to another NRA school. A lot of the stuff they were teaching was years behind the times but I still managed to get something out of the class. Never stop training .