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Kate KruegerApril 11, 20174min77230

On February 13, 2016 the Supreme Court and the United States lost a great American. On that day Justice Antonin Scalia died and with it one of the strongest defenders in the Supreme Court of the US Constitution.

Yesterday a new defender was selected. Yesterday a man of character officially become the 113th Justice to the Supreme Court. He has be chosen to fill this very important seat and bring back the balance to the Court.

Justice Neil Gorsuch has had a sterling record throughout his life. He and his siblings had a strong christian upbringing, he is beyond highly educated and even met his wife while they were in school at Oxford and he has a love of the law. His mother Anne Gorsuch Burford (1942-2004) was a Colorado Representative who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan to be the first female Administrator of the EPA in 1981. He comes from tough stock.

He believes in the Constitution and does not believe that a judge should make law, only uphold the law. For that alone I’m thrilled to see this man appointed to the Supreme Court. We may not ALWAYS agree with his rulings but we know by all his prior judgments that color, creed, gender, wealth or background do not matter to him… only the law.

Yesterday, not only was Justice Gorsuch sworn in by Justice Kennedy but that swearing in was historic in the sense that Justice Gorsuch once served as Justice Kennedy’s law clerk. This is the first time in Supreme Court history that a former law clerk and Justice have gone on to serve on the Supreme Court together.

This is a great day for America because the Supreme Court is back to a full court. There are a number of 2nd Amendment cases that will be addressed along with some religious freedom cases and with all probability a few immigration cases as well. So now it’s time for the SCOTUS to roll up their sleeves and get to work on clearing up the backlog.

Congratulations and God bless to Justice Neil Gorsuch!! May his journey be a long one.

Kate KruegerMarch 9, 20166min21570

Elections are some of the most important times in this country’s history. They are a favorite time of mine because I get to see this country in action. Unfortunately it’s not always at its finest during elections because the “All Knowing” establishment (those who have made a career of politics, elitists who run the show) believes they have to control the results because “We the People” don’t know what we are doing.

Now let me say this before I really get going here… I’m not a fan of Donald Trump. I didn’t even watch his TV shows because I always thought he was a bit of an arrogant bloviator.  But with that said the American people are making a statement right now and voting in caucuses and primaries across this country and based on delegates there is only a small difference between Ted Cruz and Donald Trump with Mr. Trump in the lead.

It appears that the “Establishment” like Romney, McCain, Graham and others are making a fuss that the American people are being conned by a con man and they (us) don’t understand what this could mean to the country and the GRAND OLE PARTY… That if Trump gets the nod at the convention it is a slap in the face of Republican Values… WHAT VALUES?

You see the “Establishment” has been shoving moderate Republicans (AKA RINO or Republicans in Name Only) down our throats for so long that they are starting to believe THEY have CONSERVATIVE values…

What are Conservative values? Conservatives believe first and foremost in the building blocks the Founding Fathers left for us; the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They believed in small government; they believed in the people; they believed that the People were the “Sovereign” and that government should answer to them; they believed in very limited power for the Federal government; they believed in States Sovereignty as mandated by the People;  they believed in limited taxation, freedom of speech and religion, the right to bear arms and many more truly conservative ideas.

Through the years many of us have watched this amazing country change. Liberalism has overtaken our educational system and our large city governments like Boston, New York, Baltimore, Detroit and most of California. We all know how well those dens of socialism are working.

But I digress… These elections are being hijacked by the elite. The RNC is in a conundrum … they don’t want Trump but they really don’t want the next closest candidate to him either Ted Cruz. The chosen ones like Graham, Bush, Kasich and Rubio have either fallen or are falling by the wayside. Oh what to do what to do…

If the RNC decides to intervene at the convention and allow it to become a brokered convention and a candidate like Rubio or Kasich or even Romney wins I personally believe they will be making a huge mistake (especially if they give it to Romney).  The Republican Party that started with Lincoln and real conservative values will never be the same. The Grand Ole Party will end up being nothing but a bunch of Grand Old ‘Pharts’…

This election is more important to this country than taking over the White House and turning things around (especially Obamacare) but it is MOST important because the person who wins will most probably be picking at least 2 if not 4 Supreme Court Justices and that is a legacy that will live long past this election. This election could be a turning point and if the Republicans don’t get their act together and stand behind the People’s Choice then they will lose again.

But quite honestly I don’t believe they care about losing or about this country and most importantly about the people that put them there. I believe they only care about keeping the status quo, their cushy jobs and special benefits, their great pensions and all their little perks (like insider trading).

We the People need to let them know LOUD AND CLEAR that we will not stand for them stealing our election process from us. We need to tell Rubio and Kasich to step down and stop dividing the vote! We need to start writing on Romney, McCain, Graham, Ryan and all the other elites Twitter and Facebook pages and let them know NOW that we will not stand for it and they need to hold their proverbial nose and coalesce behind whatever candidate ends up with the most delegates! What the heck we’ve had to do that for the past few elections and now it’s their turn.

Speak out NOW before we have nothing left!