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Jonathan GilliamMarch 2, 20177min22120

Throughout history, sources have been used to carry out dangerous and nefarious missions for intelligence operatives, law enforcement agencies and even criminal enterprises. Also known as an “agent” in the intelligence world, these individuals are recruited to do any number of operations, including gun buys, drug deals, extortions, murders, and cyber crimes. Criminals and intelligence operatives also use sources to create false trails of evidence in order to mislead investigations away from the employer of the source. Simply put, using a source ensures a large degree of separation between a criminal’s actions and the individual(s) and/or organizations that hire them. This ensures minimal to no connection and creates a backstop that leads away from the employer of the source.

For example, the FBI can often get information otherwise impossible to obtain by convincing a person with access to criminal associations to “flip” and work as a government source. The sources are then tasked with infiltrating criminal organizations, listening to and/or recording conversations about illegal activity, acquiring stolen or illegal goods, and even intruding on our enemies through cyber activities.

With this concept of effective source tasking in mind, lets consider the Democratic Party’s repetitive accusations of Russia’s meddling in all things political and their latest accusations targeting Attorney General Sessions speaking to a Russian Ambassador. It may not be as clear a picture as you think.

I’ve been saying since the DNC hack was first announced in 2016, that the potential of the DNC hacking themselves was plausible for the purpose of drumming up the victim card for Hillary Clinton’s camp to cover for the then impending hack of John Podesta’s email which came to light through WikiLeaks It would have been very easy for the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton to recruit someone from Russian Intelligence to carry out hacking and other cyber crimes, especially if you consider all the connections Hillary Clinton amassed during her time as Secretary of State as well as from her husband’s presidency.

Of course this is speculation and may sound outlandish, but it’s hard to deny how effective a Russian Intelligence source would be in developing a cover story for the Democratic Party as a Russian source would have the ability to leave specific, known Russian cyber footprints behind to be traced by authorities. In the cases of General Flynn and Attorney General Sessions, a Russian source could also provide notifications when phone calls have been made to their ambassadors.

Remember, a good source will never appear to be working for the person directing the mission. Simply put, recruit a Russian Intel agent to do your dirty work and everything they do will come back to Russia.

This could also have been the case with the January 2017 BuzzFeed and CNN fake news reports about a Trump Russian prostitute fiasco that never took place. It was here that a Washington political research firm hired by Trumps political rivals, paid a retired British Intelligence Officer to “investigate” Trumps ties with Russia, ending in a 35-page fake report full of lies about Trump.

That fake report was then mysteriously disseminated by the Democratic Party, members of Congress (i.e. John McCain), the White House, and was included in a classified National Security briefing to the Obama administration without being verified by the FBI or the CIA. Simultaneously, and without verification, the fake information was being reported by members of the media as fact, giving the information a credible appearance.

While it is easy to conclude that collusion was necessary for this chain of events to occur, you should pay close attention to how the events started with a controlled source. Like I said, sources are very effective.

And so a pattern has emerged of “take our word for it, it’s connected to Russia and it’s bad.” Yet little evidence is presented to substantiate any of those claims except a Russian cyber footprint here and there, the words of political appointees in our own intelligence community left over from the Obama administration and/or the main stream media outlets stepping up to provide misleading authenticity. As a trained investigator, I find this “blame Russia” pattern all too convenient for me to believe.

Why is it always Russia? Why does it always benefit the Democrats or individuals that hate Trump to blame Russia? If Russia is so aggressively pursuing the U.S., why wasn’t Russia an issue during the previous administration? I theorize that many in Washington D.C., have in fact obtained prior or current Russian Intelligence agents as sources to carry out leaks and/or cyber intrusions that wont lead back to the U.S.

Conspiracy or not, it is clear that 2017 will see more questionable accusations from the Democratic Party and Anti-Trumpians against President Trump. Conveniently blaming, you guessed it, Russia

Jonathan GilliamFebruary 21, 20176min68730

As the activist and their judges in the 9th Circuit Court wrestle with President Donald J. Trump over immigration and executive orders, one of the most dangerous mistakes consistently being repeated by politicians and academic policy makers is still being overlooked.  That being subject Matter Experts (SMEs) with real, recent operational experience are not consulted and detailed solutions are rarely considered.

Perhaps this is best exposed when considering the immigration screening issue.  Call them immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers etc., it really doesn’t matter because there is a breakdown of epic proportions happening when it comes to fingerprinting immigration applicants and collecting their data while they are in their country of origin.  The break down occurs in that if fingerprints are taken and information is collected, it is not being ran through the Department of Defense (DOD) secured databases before the applicants come to the United States.  This is important because the DOD databases contain information on an unknown number of dangerous people who have been caught and released in war zones, or people who may be associated with them.

Currently in the United States there are hundreds of ongoing investigations of individuals that have come to the US (some as long as 10 years ago) that were originally caught by the DOD in the Middle East making bombs, planting IED’s etc. The DOD fingerprinted these individuals but that information was never put in databases that were shared with State Department or Border patrol. Because remote locations where immigrants are submitting their applications for admission into the US often do not offer the technology to scan fingerprints or upload data, individuals are not even fingerprinted in places like Djibouti where immigrants from Somalia get “screened” when they seek to immigrate to the US.

Even in the places where immigrants are fingerprinted, those prints are still not uploaded to databases for a total and complete scan of their history.  Phone numbers are not being run properly through DOD databases either during this process and they ultimately go unknown as well. Yet many immigrants are still put on a plane by our State Department and sent to the US.

When these immigrants arrive in the US it is ensured that they are fingerprinted, but in most cases those prints and other important data are still not ran through the classified DOD databases. Yet the process continues and they are processed and cleared to enter into the US from whatever holding facility in which they arrive.

Interestingly, the one time when the DOD systems can be accessed isn’t until years later when immigrants approach ICE to get benefits or citizenship.  That is apparently when information is finally ran through the DOD system.

Now, hundreds of cases are being investigated domestically in the United States involving immigrants that have been residing inside the US for long periods of time (in some cases over 10 years) who are connected to bombings and other crimes from war zones in the Middle East, where their information had been collected by operators in the field, and uploaded to DOD databases with no plan to share with other agencies.

There are more details to this story but it is problematic in that no one really knows exactly what immigrant information is screened and when that screening occurred.  Although Donald J. Trump has only been in office one month, this is an issue that has largely been overlooked by previous presidents, and could easily be missed by Trump’s team.

If President Trump’s administration concentrated on these types of details that subject matter experts working on the ground understand, many of the screening gaps could be closed and our immigration security could take a huge leap forward.

As a former FBI Special Agent, my investigative mind tells me these issues will continue to plague immigration screening because so much attention is being placed on executive orders and hiring more Customs Officers and not simple solutions.

The Devil is always in the details, that’s why simple issues always cause such massive problems.  Don’t believe me?  Just ask someone who is working at the ground level, like the policy makers should be doing!

Jonathan GilliamDecember 19, 20167min79370

“Oh ye of little faith, those that argue and bicker, and threaten and scheme against one another. Let not the sun fall from another day before you reflect on reason and consider cause.” – Gilliam

I find it amusing how many people are so quick to point out statistics as their main defense when arguing their concerns about this year’s presidential election and the popular vote vs the power of the Electoral College. Statistics concerning issues like Gross Domestic Product, population numbers and the education levels of voters, are just some of the figures compiled by unknown individuals and constantly touted as facts liberals hope will be heavy enough to sway public opinion and validate their anger. All the while, the cause and reason that the Founding Fathers put the Electoral College in place are all but ignored and often misunderstood.

So, it is imperative when someone is looking for the truth, they must also understand that wherever there are statistical numbers involved, there is also the possibility of fraud, manipulation and deception. With this in mind, I think it is safe to say that a person is guilty of spreading mistruths if they are only using statistics to defend their disagreement of this year’s presidential election outcome and how the Electoral College decided the winner.

A perfect example of the reality of government statistics is the highly touted unemployment numbers. Every year when the government says the unemployment rate has fallen, what they are really saying is that more people are no longer drawing unemployment checks, which gives no insight as to who may have gotten a job. Yes, that’s right, the statistic that is often touted more than any other by presidential administrations as a measurement of success, is little more than a measure of who’s getting subsistence, not who is unemployed. Useless, but as you can see that doesn’t stop politicians from waving it, media from reporting it, or pundits using it in defense of their candidate.

Armed with clarity and understanding of government statistics, let’s refocus this article towards the cause and reason for the creation of the Electoral College in the presidential election. The Electoral College was created for the very reason it worked this year: 1. To ensure equal voting strength for all areas and people’s of this amazing country. 2. To assist the citizenry (that was mostly illiterate in the 1700’s) in picking a competent president. Although most voters are now literate, they have instead become paralyzed by fake main stream media news and special interests, or as I call it illiterate of the truth.

Today, most of this country’s population (and liberals) exists in or around the littoral regions and in the small areas encapsulating big cities. Consider this issue of sociology; large cities breed a different mindset and structure of daily life than rural areas. This is because different structure and control is needed when humans live in close proximity and in such large numbers. The more people that get packed into a relatively small area, the more compromise must be made to ensure freedom and equality and the more control must be employed to ensure the rule of law.

This does not generally apply for the rest of the population of this great country where space is prevalent and compromise in a persons ideas of living is not needed because they have room to live and flourish in their own way without hindering other people and values. Less control is also required to ensure the rule of law and equality mainly because there are fewer issues to contend with due to the sparse population.

Take for instance the Second Amendment. Many people in large cities follow the idea that a persons right to bear arms is no longer relevant because they have become comfortable being dependent on police for a rapid response to crisis. In contrast, rural families may have to wait a considerable amount of time before law enforcement arrives and therefore have a stronger attachment to their weapons. Also, residents of a rural area may feel a greater need for their weapons as a Constitutional right to stand against tyranny, while people in big cities may be more familiar (and comfortable) with a more oppressive government. These types of differences are where the Electoral College becomes relevant, because it gives equal voting power to both ways of life.

One more important part of the Electoral College equation is an understanding of the true meaning of equal. Equal is not based on a number and it’s not based on majority rules. Equal is based on fairness and understanding of what is effective and where it is effective. Equal understands you and it considers them. Equal means the many will not lord over the few nor will the powerful lord over the meek. That is equal.

As with many other issues, liberals often thrust their emotional arguments about the necessity to eliminate the Electoral College forward with a mixture of statistics with divisive and incomplete opinions. Yet what they are actually doing is proclaiming to the world that they are an ill informed, opinionated group of fools.

Before liberals add up their potentially flawed statistics, and spout off about the travesty of less educated, rural area deplorables being able to choose a President, they should first remember that their words define them and their argument. While attempting to tell the citizens they know what’s better for this country than the Founding Fathers that crafted our election process, liberals have failed to take into account the reasoning behind the creation of the Electoral College.

Jonathan GilliamOctober 31, 20164min61910

By Jonathan T Gilliam

The Constitution of the United States of America.

Do most Americans know what it actually is? I don’t think they do!

Do most Americans understand why the Constitution even exists? Or how important it is to sustain their free way of life? I don’t think they do!

Does the Constitution live and breathe as so many liberals believe it does?

Or is it a finite tool of governance, created by men with real world historical reasons for each and every word they included?

Does the Constitution ensure equal social happiness and financial status?

Does it allow the few to control the many, even if it means infringing on the rights of the many?

This is the truth: The Constitution of the United States does NOT ensure social happiness or financial equality.

It is not a tool of portion equality among the citizenry, but it is the very foundation that ensures your equal opportunity to get the biggest portion you strive to acquire.

It does NOT give the few a more powerful voice than the many, but it does ensure an equal voice amongst all.

And it does NOT conform because of pressures brought down by special interests, loud mouth journalists or power hungry politicians.

No matter what your political affiliation, financial status, sexuality, skin color or gender, the Constitution exists as the foundation of your freedom and your opportunity in life to be what you want to be.

Simply put, the Constitution of the United States was created to establish the foundation of limited governance, and to ensure the rights granted to all of us by God. Rights that ensure freedom.

Freedom to fail and freedom to succeed. Freedom to speak and freedom to refrain from speaking. Freedom to be secure in your home, your things, your self, and the freedom to protect YOURSELF and the citizenry from a tyrannical government.

The Constitution does not protect you from being punched in the mouth when you utilize your free speech to insult someone.

However, it does give you the freedom to use your speech in constructive, sometimes critical ways, to change the rolling tide of government. Without the fear of being punched back by that government.

Motivations to alter amendments such as the Second Amendment, are largely based upon the opinions and interpretations of small groups of individuals with naïve, elitist attitudes, or masses of misguided citizens uneducated in the truth of our rights.

These Ego driven interpretations of the Constitution, and a failure to understand the experiences of our founding fathers, are the factors most responsible for the deterioration, of the constitutional foundation of this country.

Bottom line, the Constitution of the United States is in fact one single finite document, that represent individual freedoms.

However those individual freedoms are dependent upon the cooperation of the entire citizenry, functioning as an individual collection, of We The People.

My name is Jonathan Gilliam and for over 15 years I officially swore an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States as a Navy SEAL, Federal Air Marshal, Security Contractor and FBI Special Agent.

That, is my interpretation of the Constitution of this great country.

That is the truth!

Jonathan GilliamJuly 30, 20163min68620

When it is time for war let the war drums beat and when it is time for peace let it reign.

But make no mistake about it, where there is peace, there will always be the threat of war. And where there is freedom there will always be the need for those dedicated to defending it.

Today, we, the citizenry of the United States of America, are facing a dissension into servitude at the hands of increasingly tyrannical leaders. It’s a position which this nation has not seen since Americas Founding Fathers fled Europe seeking opportunity and freedom of the individual to be the best they can possibly be. And so we must ask ourselves these questions:

– What if the enemy is within our border?

– What if the enemy is not only within our borders, but is also in fact responsible for weakening the national security of this nation and at the same time convincing our citizenry to depend on those that wish to destroy us?

– What if our citizenry relinquished their ability to defend themselves and our Constitution from this league of destroyers, believing they would be protected and taken care of, only to find out that no such protection would come in time of great crisis?

– What if our citizenry gave this league of evil doers hundreds of years to perfect their craft of deception?

– What if, this league of ravenous liars owned our government?

– What if these liars, murderers, felons and deceivers were in fact those that sit in every seat of the political government, pulling the strings of the mass of puppets that do their dirty work?

– And what if I told you that terms like liberal and conservative are those strings in which they pull.

– What if I told you that you are in fact one of those puppets?

– What if I told you that you yourself were responsible for hiring and sustaining this evil?

– What if I told you, that you are in fact responsible for the destruction of this country?

– Where would you turn?

– Who would do the righteous work of correcting what is wrong and re-establishing what is right?

– Would it be you?

– Would it be us?

Or is it too late?

Kate KruegerMay 1, 20164min21590

Recently I have stopped watching the “news” on any channel because they all sound alike. News used to be important events around the world, local accidents and other things out of the ordinary day to day activity. Now it’s the same stories over and over and over again until you can hardly stand it anymore. And when there are news worthy events occurring nothing ever comes of them.

For example: Fast and Furious one of the first of Obama’s scandals started in 2009 and “misplaced” more than 2,000 weapons across the Mexican border and cost the life of Border Agent Brian Terry… The Administration is still fighting in court today refusing to release documents from that fiasco. And so far the only ones who paid for that are the whistle blowers.

Then let’s not forget the IRS vs Tea Party Patriots where the IRS targeted conservative and TEA Party groups and businesses based on their political beliefs. This is also STILL being fought in the courts today. And Benghazi… what has happened to this country when no one comes to rescue a sitting US Ambassador and other Americans when they send out a call for help? But more than that what is wrong with a State Department refusing to add security when asked by a sitting US Ambassador? Who knows the lay of the land better than that Ambassador? Then not only did they refuse but they cut the security down to less reliable local (non-US) security. And I could go on…

Today we are watching the candidates for the highest position in America. For the first time Americans are getting a real glimpse of who REALLY selects the politicians who supposedly speak for you. I always thought I knew how that process worked but boy even I’m getting an education.

Hillary, in spite of Bernie Sanders amazing (and scary) run, has it all but sown up on the democratic side and as for the republicans… That should prove to be very interesting. Trump has it right it is a very crooked and nasty process. I’m not a fan of Trump but America is speaking and it doesn’t appear as if anyone is really listening.

HEY FOLKS… KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE END GAME… this is a serious situation and although he is not my first pick if he gets the nod I’m voting for him. I DO NOT WANT HILLARY IN OFFICE… I LIKE MY GUNS JUST THE WAY THEY ARE…which is in my hands. I DO NOT WANT HILLARY filling the SCOTUS position that is open or others that will open over the next few years…

If your guy is not the one chosen YOU MUST STILL VOTE!!! I don’t like this process but we need to change the team (dem vs rep) before we can make any other changes.

So no matter how dirty or nasty this crappy process is KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BALL AND VOTE.

Kate KruegerMarch 9, 20166min21610

Elections are some of the most important times in this country’s history. They are a favorite time of mine because I get to see this country in action. Unfortunately it’s not always at its finest during elections because the “All Knowing” establishment (those who have made a career of politics, elitists who run the show) believes they have to control the results because “We the People” don’t know what we are doing.

Now let me say this before I really get going here… I’m not a fan of Donald Trump. I didn’t even watch his TV shows because I always thought he was a bit of an arrogant bloviator.  But with that said the American people are making a statement right now and voting in caucuses and primaries across this country and based on delegates there is only a small difference between Ted Cruz and Donald Trump with Mr. Trump in the lead.

It appears that the “Establishment” like Romney, McCain, Graham and others are making a fuss that the American people are being conned by a con man and they (us) don’t understand what this could mean to the country and the GRAND OLE PARTY… That if Trump gets the nod at the convention it is a slap in the face of Republican Values… WHAT VALUES?

You see the “Establishment” has been shoving moderate Republicans (AKA RINO or Republicans in Name Only) down our throats for so long that they are starting to believe THEY have CONSERVATIVE values…

What are Conservative values? Conservatives believe first and foremost in the building blocks the Founding Fathers left for us; the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They believed in small government; they believed in the people; they believed that the People were the “Sovereign” and that government should answer to them; they believed in very limited power for the Federal government; they believed in States Sovereignty as mandated by the People;  they believed in limited taxation, freedom of speech and religion, the right to bear arms and many more truly conservative ideas.

Through the years many of us have watched this amazing country change. Liberalism has overtaken our educational system and our large city governments like Boston, New York, Baltimore, Detroit and most of California. We all know how well those dens of socialism are working.

But I digress… These elections are being hijacked by the elite. The RNC is in a conundrum … they don’t want Trump but they really don’t want the next closest candidate to him either Ted Cruz. The chosen ones like Graham, Bush, Kasich and Rubio have either fallen or are falling by the wayside. Oh what to do what to do…

If the RNC decides to intervene at the convention and allow it to become a brokered convention and a candidate like Rubio or Kasich or even Romney wins I personally believe they will be making a huge mistake (especially if they give it to Romney).  The Republican Party that started with Lincoln and real conservative values will never be the same. The Grand Ole Party will end up being nothing but a bunch of Grand Old ‘Pharts’…

This election is more important to this country than taking over the White House and turning things around (especially Obamacare) but it is MOST important because the person who wins will most probably be picking at least 2 if not 4 Supreme Court Justices and that is a legacy that will live long past this election. This election could be a turning point and if the Republicans don’t get their act together and stand behind the People’s Choice then they will lose again.

But quite honestly I don’t believe they care about losing or about this country and most importantly about the people that put them there. I believe they only care about keeping the status quo, their cushy jobs and special benefits, their great pensions and all their little perks (like insider trading).

We the People need to let them know LOUD AND CLEAR that we will not stand for them stealing our election process from us. We need to tell Rubio and Kasich to step down and stop dividing the vote! We need to start writing on Romney, McCain, Graham, Ryan and all the other elites Twitter and Facebook pages and let them know NOW that we will not stand for it and they need to hold their proverbial nose and coalesce behind whatever candidate ends up with the most delegates! What the heck we’ve had to do that for the past few elections and now it’s their turn.

Speak out NOW before we have nothing left!

Kate KruegerFebruary 14, 20163min20200

Saturday February 13, 2016 was a very sad day in America. It lost its greatest champion of interpreting the Constitution as it was understood at the time of its adoption, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia who died at the age of 79. In today’s timeframe a relatively young man but the real loss is in his larger than life personality, his outspoken defense of conservatism and the US Constitution, and his “take no prisoners” dissents that left no one in doubt of his thoughts on the matters.

Justice Antonin Scalia was appointed to the Supreme Court by President Ronald Reagan and served this country for three decades, sadly leaving this earth at a turning point in this countries struggle to hold fast to the Founding Fathers intentions of freedom and liberty. And leaving many of us concerned over the continuation of their principles, our freedoms and the countries greatness.

For us as gun owners, his majority vote on District of Columbia vs Heller declared the 2nd Amendments rights of an individual to bear arms, turning the tide of gun laws. After Chicago vs McDonald reiterated the ruling declaring that Chicago’s handgun ban violated the 2nd Amendments right of the individual to bear arms, it locked in the DC vs Heller ruling for the States. But the big question now is how will his death impact these rulings and the longevity of the 2nd Amendment? Is this the death knell for our rights?

Its a frightening turn of events that leaves these decisions in the hands of the most Liberal Administration in the history of this country. Will the Conservatives in the Senate fight any liberal candidates to replace Scalia? Do they even want to?

RIP Justice Antonin Scalia; your voice of reason will be sorely missed.

Kate KruegerDecember 6, 20155min19760

OK I’ve listened to the news and I’m finally at my ranting point so here I go!  I’m sick and tired of listening to this garbage about “mass shootings” they are “mass murders” or “massacres” or “attacks” … I’m a shooter that goes shooting on a regular basis but I’m not a bad guy. He or she that attack in Gun Free Zones are the criminals with murderous intent, they are also the cowards because they only pick targets that don’t shoot back. They should try going to Texas, Arizona or other gun friendly states but they won’t because  (you got it) we’d shoot back.

I’m also sick of listening to these idiots who don’t know a darn thing about gun owners talking about a couple of thousand rounds, 2 pistols and 2 rifles as enough to arm a small army. Now I’m not out to raise a red flag but that would be a pretty small army. Obviously they haven’t been out for a day at the range with a group of buddies.

I’m sick of listening to the drivel about being disrespectful for showing the face of the murderous female who took baby shower gifts from good people than went into their Christmas party and started killing as many as she could. AND I’m sick of listening to the media looking for a logical reason for a pair of radical Islamic terrorists to just go out and hurt people. They are RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS and they hate the American way of life (but they’ll take our money and hospitality when available).

I’m also sick and tired of listening to other leaders show more strength and reason than our weak kneed, mealy mouthed, American hater, Muslim sympathizer President who would rather make deals with our enemies than support our allies and continues to apologize for our way of life and continues to believe that we are too aggressive and the cause of all these world issues today.

But mostly I’m sick and tired of waiting for the other half of this country to grow a spine and brain and realize that we need to stand together no matter how much this administration tries to divide us. I believe they will find out that we have more in common than not. The more we allow our government to divide us by race, religion, gender, age, education, income and anything else they can devise the more we lose. We need to stop looking at what divides us and start looking at what binds us.

Speak out on social media and let everyone know how you feel and when you do remember to look at what binds us… after all it’s one of the things that made this country great in the first place when we stood together against a King.

God Bless America!

Kate KruegerOctober 27, 20154min28390

Political Season Is Upon Us

Now the “all” knowing politicians of both parties and their ” learned “ journalist friends will be giving us the benefit of their “superior”  intelligence on everything from gun control, hate crimes, abortion, defense, V.A. environment and anything else you can think of. Have you ever wondered why someone would spend millions of dollars for a job that pays salary & benefits about $600,000 per year? Do you think folks are donating millions of dollars because they like the guy/gal or maybe it’s the influence they can buy?

Many years ago while working for a financial institution the officers were given bonuses with the understanding                  

that half the officers and their spouses, would give the legally maximum amount to the Democratic candidate and the other half would do the same for the GOP candidate. As it was explained to me they didn’t really care who won as long as they had a path into the oval office. I am sure the same thinking was held for the Senatorial and House candidates.

Some years ago my wife ran as a Libertarian candidate for the U.S. Senate the one thing I’ll never forget her saying is “they lie” if it sounds good to say: I’m a Vietnam Vet… Or an American Indian or forget to mention they were disbarred or any other lie, they can always say “I misspoke” or in laymen’s terms LIED.

Be very careful who you vote for and if given the chance ask the tough questions. If they don’t stand by their campaign statements, call them to task. Write letters, call, email, and fax but let them know when you are not happy and also when you are happy with their performance. Remember THEY WORK FOR YOU.

One other thing never let them forget they took an oath to defend this country and it’s constitution freely without coercion and you as a voter expect them to abide by that oath.