Discussion Archives - Page 2 of 7 - Talking Guns

Joe LutrarioFebruary 22, 20225min50930

The BJJ academy has many “classrooms”, from the vestibules, the mats, to the locker-rooms. The people we meet in the vestibule are encouraging and delightful. The education we get on the mat is priceless. We all know the value of a great teacher and mentor. On a personal note, that is why I hold my professor, Milton Regis 6th degree black belt, in such high regards. Yet there is something enormous to say about the atmosphere and friendship that is built in the locker room.

When people struggle, sweat and face their fears together, there is a strong and special relationship that is formed. An intimate bond so to speak. Coming from a man that can’t remember what he ate for breakfast, let alone specific words spoken amongst a group of warriors, there is a deep feeling of peace, camaraderie, safety and vulnerability that one cannot ignore or forget.  

I have come to a point in my training where I finally realize that my opponent in front of me is not my only adversary. Just as a true warrior would never underestimate his physical obstacles, he would surely recognize and control the greatest obstacle of all…himself. We all can hear the little voice in our heads speaking to us before, during and after a fight. You know, the one that speaks volumes about how you “can’t do this and you can’t do that”. 

We can sit back deny, ignore or flat out lie to ourselves and others, but that won’t change the fact that it is our own worst enemy…and the most powerful one at that. Just as we come to master the basics of our game, we must also come to master the enemy within. This is a worthy and inevitable fight that all of us must conquer at one point in order to be successful. Only when one rises above and controls the demons of self doubt and self pity, can he grow to be the best he can be. Let me take it further, not just successfully grow on the mat, but to grow to extreme heights in all aspects of their lives. 

This is a battle that needs to be fought not alone, for the enemy within is too deceiving and too strong. Don’t misunderstand me, it can and will be defeated. It will be conquered as a team. A legion of warriors, training and learning together on the mat. Meeting in the vestibules, exchanging handshakes and subtle hugs. Most importantly, it shall be defeated in the locker-rooms. Here, here is where we are at our strongest. Outside the pit of anguish which we call our minds, in the midst’s of fighters, real friends who understand, share, encourage and most important believe in each other. Here is where lifelong bonds and pacts are made. Not just simply from voice boxes, but from ones gut and heart. The faith and belief we have in each other squelches the screams of self doubt. We hear only the whispers of our fellow fighters..Our friends. 

All people are born champions. However, it is only those who get tempered, molded and forged by the heat of battle that come to realize who they are and what they can achieve. We all reach the inevitability of this fight…rest assured my friends, I will be there standing side by side fighting with you, just as I pray that you stand beside me.


Photo by Mike Kovacs


Tony CieroSeptember 2, 20213min63610


Anacondas are members of the boa constrictor family of snakes. Thus meaning they kill their prey by quickly striking and controlling their victim until it is too exhausted to fight, and their prey begins to suffocate. The will of the sufferer has been broken. 

Anacondas rely on stealth and the element of surprise to catch their unsuspecting prey. This jungle predator keeps its victim at bay, by controlling their actions while frustrating and exhausting its adversary. Taking advantage of its opponent’s weary and defeated attitude, the Anaconda methodically goes on the offensive and with precision; it only alerts its victim of their demise at a time when it’s too late.

 Like the Anacondas of the jungle, the great BJJ practitioner is a disciplined attacker. He is confident, patient and ready to attack at the most opportune moment. He quickly strikes, controls his opponent, matching move for move looking for the slightest light out of the tiniest window of opportunity given by his challenger or maybe even created by his own masterful mind. The BJJ artist acknowledges his adversary as a competent and dangerous foe. He engages in an active game of combat chess, exploding with bursts of speed and agility, while conserving energy and exalting exceptional deceit and precision.

The fighter is aware that in any given moment the tide can be turned. He realizes he must control the tempo. Too much wasted strength… too tired to continue. Too much hesitation…. he loses the race. The charmed grappler exalts a streaming flow between attacks and control leading to the final objective….submission.

The patient, free flowing contest on the mat is a way of life engrained in the champion fighter beginning at a time when the mat appeared to be nothing less than a jungle crawling with Anacondas and other fearless predators.

Erik WenzelMay 18, 20203min115452
Legendary firearms instructor and subject matter expert, Dr. Wes Doss is now the victim of a series of medical incidents, including Malpractice and Negligence, that is almost too ridiculous to believe. The worst part is that this incident continues to Spiral out of control and now Wes’ health, future and the continuation of his life is complete unknown at this point.
This is a Call To Action for anyone who can Spread the Word about this Injustice.
Dr. Wes Doss is an internationally recognized firearm, tactics and use of force instructor with over 30 years of military & civilian criminal justice experience, as well as significant operational time with both military & law enforcement tactical operations & protective service organizations.
Wes holds specialized instructor certifications from the U.S. Army, the U.S. Marine Corps, Arizona POST, the Smith & Wesson Academy, the Sig Sauer Academy, NRA LEAD, FEMA and the Department of State.  Wes holds a Master’s degree in Criminal Justice Administration and an upper level Doctorate in Psychology, with an emphasis on sports and performance.

#army #veteran #help #helping #hospital #medical #doctor #emergency #stroke #wesdoss #calltoaction #clicklinkinbio #linkinbio #link #gofundme #charity #police #policeofficer #cops #cop #statetrooper #statepolice #trooper #deputy #deputysheriff #sheriff #law

Audio and Video by Caleb Lash and Mike Kovacs

Jim SanfordFebruary 4, 20204min163680

Brian and Erik rumning the new Atlas 40cal Nemesis, Concealed Carry 9mm Nyx, and 9mm Athena from Atlas Gunworks.
Check out our full review on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Instagram – @talkingguns
Facebook – @talkinggunsmedia
Twitter – @gunstalking
Video by Joe Lutrario Audio By Caleb Lash

Tony CieroJanuary 29, 20201min242130

United States Tactical – Elite Retention Systems

Effortless, hands-free carry of weapon lessens fatigue and relieves pressure Twelve safe locking muzzle positions.

Quick-draw long gun in an instant Carries all long guns – shot guns, bolt action, semi automatic, and belt fed Three-piece set adds the Elite Retention System to your existing LBE Ambidextrous Protects gun and optics.

All trigger guards are covered Injection-molded resin designed to be durable and UV resistant.


Audio by Jim Sanford

Video Editing by Jason Mcdonald


#talkingguns #UnitedStates #UnitedStatestactical #retention

Jason McdonaldJanuary 28, 20201min127480

Mantis X Shooting System

The newest way to improve your shooting skills and follow up shots, while using your phone or tablet, all while not driving to or spending money on ammunition at the range.

The detailed readings the Mantis gives you, can help improve techniques of even the most experienced shooter!

****** This interview was voted best Mic placement at Shot Show 2020 ******





Video by Jason Mcdonald

Audio by Mike Kovacs

#mantis #mantisx #improvement #improveyourself #improvements #improved #improveyourlife #selfimprovement #focus #understanding #understand #details #detail #analysis #data #datascience #talkingguns

Brian KovacsJanuary 22, 20203min261880

Blackwater is Back with 2011s


That’s right the legendary Blackwater is Back and they are designing some incredible new 2011 weapon platforms.


First up for us was the 2011 variants they debuted here at Shot Show 2020!


Let us know what you think about it.


#talkingguns #blackwater #2011 #contractors #contractor #new #news #info #information #2020 #competition #competitor #competitive #innovation



Video by Joe Jutrario

Audio by Caleb Lash

Tony CieroJanuary 21, 20203min108240

Luago Alien Pistol

Breaking news from Las Vegas! Eye witness reports are flooding in with multiple confirmed cases of recovered alien technology.

Experts are frantically scrambling to establish the origin of this extraterrestrial technology, as there is nothing to use as a worldly comparison.

After hours of pointed deliberation, the staff writers at TalkingGuns.net have reached a conclusion in regards to the extraterrestrial technology.

It is called the Alien pistol made by Luago Arms. In summation, it’s awesome.

Be sure to watch the video, we will have continued updates.

Sound off in the Comments below and let us know what you think!


Audio By Joe Lutrario

Video By Caleb Lash

#alien #extraterrestrial #vegas #desert #talkingguns #luago #nevada #caughtoncamera #video #film #recording


Jason McdonaldJanuary 20, 20202min74800


Talking Guns Founder Brian Kovacs joins Newsmax – America Talks Live – with Guest Host Jonathan Gilliam for an in depth discussion of the Unconstitutional actions of the Virginia Governor and his State of Emergency declaration ahead of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, Gun Rights Rally scheduled for 1/20/2020.