Freedom And The Inevitabilities Of Life

Jonathan GilliamFebruary 10, 20153min67530

By Jonathan T Gilliam

In life there are certain inevitabilities:

Everyone will breathe.
Everyone will hunger.
Everyone will thirst.
And Everyone will die.

There will always be war.
There will always be killing.

Freedom however is God given but it is not inevitable.  Some people are born with it, some are not.

Where freedom exists it is inevitable that people rise up to preserve and protect it.

The modernized world lives under an illusion that freedom is protected by God Himself.  The truth is, God guarantees one freedom, the freedom to choose Him.  All other freedoms must be fought for by men and women who live freely, it is our duty.

Those that have never served on behalf of freedom but are propelled to speak and criticize those that protect it, are individuals that know neither the honor of sacrifice for their fellow human, nor the feeling of embracing true freedom.

Those of us that have served in the military, in law enforcement, as doctors, nurses, firemen, paramedics, etc., and for those that understand freedom comes at a price, living free is like holding hands with a child as you walk through life.  It completes you, and it motivates you to protect it at all costs.

All those that have a platform to speak let them speak, but be prepared to be knocked down off that platform if you disparage those that fight for freedom.  Public opinion has a wrath like a forest fire.

As for the Hollywood mouth pieces and the politicians in office, they should lead, fight, or get out of the way, we the people are not interested in that same old useless inflammatory banter.  To those people I say this, the terms liberal and conservative no longer matter.  Effective thinking matters now.  Our freedom depends on it

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